Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. Physics exerts a vital and dominant role in the development of other science disciplines.  Physics also has a direct impact on the society and economy of a country because today’s civilization is immensely influenced by science and technology.

Department of Physics is one of the four poineer BS disciplines of GC Balakot which were established in 2017. Professor Sajjad Hussain is the founder HOD of BS Physics department.

The department of Physics offers a broad range curriculum designed to train and nurture, the next generation of physicists. The students in Physics department find support through highly qualified, motivated and devoted teaching faculty and high-tech facilities available in the state of art laboratory at the college campus. Sitting Principal Professor Syed Abdul Wajid Shah is taking due and keen interest in facilitating the department in terms of provision of funds and basic needs. All these factors enhance level of of interest among faculty members and excelling students and ensure excellence in educational activities and research. There is a well equipped laboratory where students are able to perform their practical’s and conduct research work.


The Department of Physics has set the ambition of leadership in the subject of pure and applied Physics in the country and has firm commitment to bring its credibility at par with the technological advanced countries.


The teaching faculty and students of BS Physics Department of GC Balakot are dedicated to teaching and learning Physics in a congenial, collaborative and integrated mode.

We encourage observation and analysis of natural world. We strive to provide the tools and skills for imparting our knowledge of the universe and for providing solutions to the contemporary universal challenges we face as individuals, communities and societies.


1- To teach and train our students in the complete spectrum of experimental and theoretical Physics to our level best capabilities and to  convince that there are many ways in which  physics can bring new insights and advances in cognate field of research.

2- To provide to the society, the confident, diligent, well prepared, qualified and focused professionals in the subject of physics to meet the future needs  .

3-To keep students abreast with the recent developments in the field of Physics through regularly organized Study trips, Conferences and Seminars.

4- To develop the department as a centre of excellence through teaching with zest and research.


Graduates from the Department of Physics can opt prestigious jobs in diverse fields viz teaching, organizational, technical and in research fields. Such organisations include;

. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)

. Kahuta Research Labs.(KPL)

. Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (NILOP)

. Radiation Physics Department ( as INOR, NORI Hospitas)

. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)

. National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK)

. National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM)

. National Centre Of Physics (NCP)

. Electronic Industry
