Subject of Zoology is one of the oldest biological disciplines whose advent is related  to the origin of life on earth. Allah, the Almighty Creator, beside commanding human beings to read and write, also instructed them to ponder, explore, probe and think about the creation specially creation of human beings. So it is equally interesting and important to opt Zoology  both as a future career subject as well as to fulfill the command of Almighty Allah  to reflect and delve deep into the vast expanse of animal kingdom from interior and exterior. Zoology is a multidisciplinary subject in nature involving indepth study of animals and their complex systems, cells, tissues, genetics, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, animal psychology, ecology, embryology and their continuity, evolution and conservation. The subject of Zoology has significant role in human resource development, security, environmental conservation, sustainable development and ultimately in alleviation of hunger & poverty from the biosphere in general and from the country in special.

BS- 4 years program of Zoology was launched at  Government College Balakot in the year of 2017 with the advent of BS system in this college to provide quality education to the students and to equip them with professionalism, knowledge and skills for better understanding of nature and management of animal resources, environment and population health. Professor Muhammad Rafiq is the pioneer HOD of BS Zoology till date .He voluntarily came forward, took bold step and started BS Zoology department. There is well equipped laboratory where students are able to perform their practicals and conduct research work. Former Principal GC Balakot, Professor Dr. Abdul Majid took keen interest in opening of BS Zoology department in the College. In the beginning he guided the students in best possible way. Sitting Principal Professor Syed Abdul Wajid Shah is taking full interest in facilitating the department in terms of provision of funds and basic needs. Services of Karamat Shah and Muhammad Waqas are also hired to meet the deficiency of staff. Worthy Principal is committed to provide all basic facilities where ever needed. So far four batches of Zoology have been enrolled in GC Balakot and BS system has reached to maturity stage. First batch will be passed out after completion of next semsester i.e Spring 2021 Inshaa Allah.

Forty (40) seats are allocated for admission in BS Zoology at GC Balakot by Hazara University. The commendable congenial learning environment, upper level of interest of worthy Principal and teaching faculty as stake holders of Zoology department and above all the excellent learning attitude of zealous guarentee the bright future and best job opportunities for alumni of this renowned institution in future.


Excellence in Biological Science Education & Integrity at All Levels is the Destiny of BS Zoology Department.


The mission of Department of Zoology is to promote excellence in education and research. To promote the discovery and broad communication of knowledge about animal biology  including their importance for human beings and about their environments.The department of Zoology promotes learning and practical implementation at all levels of biological organization and as modular, cellular, organismal, population, community and ecosystem. Reflecting the importance of strong disciplinary and inter disciplinary approaches in research based teaching and recognizing the essential role of science and biology in life is a popular topic of discussion in past, today and tomorrow.


BS Zoology program will provide the participants the scientific knowledge about the study of behavior, characteristics, evolutionary trends of the different species of animals and the factors having a direct impact on them. The program will equip students with skills in various disciplines ranging from molecular biology through physiology and neurobiology to the study of populations in both an ecological and evolutionary framework. After completion of this program, students will get skills necessary to collect, interpret, and critically analyze chemical data from laboratory experiments and the scientific literature related to all fields of Zoology.

Broad term objectives of program are to:

Prepare participants with strong theoretical and practical background in all the primary areas of Zoology for making career as Zoologists.

Make participants proficient in practical skills necessary for career making in Zoology.

Make them able to analyze and interpret scientific data.

Conducting research and contributing to the literature of Zoology by publishing periodicals and non-periodical journals.

Enabling the students to develop the skills how to conserve resources and enhancing  love for nature.

To train the participants about techniques to conduct field work. document biodiversity, water quality, soil profile etc. through research based projects and faculty research.

Have the efficiency in oral and written presentation of scientific concepts.


Students graduating in Zoology may find jobs in various areas; some of those are listed below:

Zoos and Wildlife organizations.

Educational and Research institutes.

Environmental Agencies.

Botanical gardens.

National parks, nature reserves and aquariums.

Pathological laboratories.

Animal clinics.

Fisheries and aquaculture.


Veterinary Hospitals etc.