The basic aim of Government College Balakot is to provide a congenial learning environment in which teachers and students can explore new horizons, think and analyze critically, retain and communicate the knowledge, seek wisdom and ethics that will help ensure the survival of this and future generations and improve the quality of life for all.
The faculty of this institution helps the students to develop an understanding about the physical world in which they live and to nurture their potential of intellectual development.
Faculty also focusses on mental grooming of brilliant students to excel and get professional education for becoming real contributors to the nation as Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Moderate literary and religious scholars, Zealous Teachers and Executive civil servants.
To fulfill its mission, this Institution:
1. Offers standard academic programs devised by umbrella Board/University that are mutually reinforcing and strengthening the quality of education through creative instructions and teaching.
2. Generate new knowledge through research activities at BS level and creating articles for College magazine. Active participation in Science Exhibitions and Multilingual Declammations also cause mental grooming.
3. Maintain a level of excellence in all programs at all levels and nurturing ethics of a good Muslim and patriotic Pakistani that will give them regional and national recognition.
4. Conduct students’ centered curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities with high frequency at the college campus.
5. Elevate sense of self recognition and self respect by publishing College Calender, News Letter, College Magazine and launching College Website as the indicators of its excelling pace.
6. Celebrate achievements of students and teachers and displaying the achievements on panaflexes, News Letter, Magazine, Sign Board, Webpage and Face Book.
In the light of these strategies supporting mission statement, it can be predicted that this institution will easily surpass all obstacles to reach its vision i.e Excellence In Education & Integrity….

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