Excellence In Education & Integrity

In order to reach the destination and accord Vision of GC Balakot i.e (Excellence In Education & Integrity…) truly dreamt, different core Values have been set:

1. Excellence:
Maintaining high standards of performance with due integrity leading to attainment of academic and career goals. To work as a team and seeking due input from all faculty members, students and society for quality assurance. Excellence in education can only be achieved by promoting excellent academic culture in the college. We strive to flourish a learning environment in our college through curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. It is our earnest desire and should be the destiny to achieve Excellence in Education.
We are like a family where elders have to take care of youngsters for their betterment.  Similarly we devise a plan to effectively monitor and report on students’ performance with intimation to parents of students through regular interactions. Consistent practices of assessment and evaluation improve the performance of the students.

2. Integrity:
Dead honesty of teachers and students in teaching and learning is the pre-requisite of academic excellence and integrity.
Our teachers are bent upon grooming the students to inculcate moral and social values, etiquettes, virtues and ethics to become patriotic Pakistanis and true Muslims.
Honesty with profession, institution, students, society, nation and religion inculcates integrity in character easing the journey to climax of Vision.

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